June 2015 Net Worth Update

Happy Fourth of July!

June has come and gone in a flash and with my little free time on this holiday weekend, I wanted to take the chance to update you on my net worth. While things went up significantly this month, I know I can't expect increases like this for the rest of the year, but it's still fun to see them on an upward trend!

June 2015 Net Worth: $432,866.16

Here's the net worth statement for this month:

2015-06 Net Worth

As you can see in the image above, that's a total increase from last month of $10,823.90, or a 2.5% increase from last month's $422,042.26. Also, the Emergency Fund is shown at $50,000, which probably won't be increasing from this point as I consider that goal complete! Instead, you'll hopefully start seeing increases in the Vanguard SEP IRA and after that, other yet-to-be-determined accounts that may or may not be taxable. We'll find out soon. As soon as I figure that out, I'll be writing posts to keep you all updated.

So, the reason my May net worth percentage change was so big was due in part to our tax refund. This month, however, I was still able to stash over $10k away and I'm pretty damned proud of that.

Another thing you'll notice is that the home mortgage amount dipped below $500,000, which is an amazing feeling! I mean, it's still quite a mountain to climb but it feels like we've reached the first base camp. Slow and steady gets you to the top of Mount Everest. On the other hand, my taxable brokerage accounts decreased due to the dip at the end of the month, but I just saw it as an opportunity to move more money into VTSAX (in the Vanguard SEP IRA), so no problem there. As always, I'm in it for the long haul.

Overall, June was a great month in terms of overall net worth. Next month probably won't be as great, but as long as I make forward steps, that's what counts.

Thanks for stopping by!

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