Whoa! Is it August Already?
Posted August 11, 2015 in General
This won't be a long post but I just realized we're about one third through the month and I haven't posted once!
Perhaps part of the reason for that is that nothing has really happened financially, so I haven't had anything interesting to say since my last post. I've had an oddly packed schedule and have sort of been watching all my portfolios do terribly. Before diving into investing in general, I figured I might be nervous wreck seeing my portfolio take $100+ dives each day, but I think I've read enough sort of assuage my fears. Now I view these downtimes as opportunities. Whether or not I can take advantage of the opportunities is another matter.
Hmm, wow. That reminds me. I haven't done a net worth update this month! Nor have I done an update on my goal progress. Based on my average posts per day this month, I'm guessing I will be falling short of glory. But that's okay. I'll post something along those lines soon.
This just shows how easy it is to fall out of the swing of things if you aren't involved on a daily basis. Admittedly, I've been spending more time on the side business than watching my stocks. On that front, I've finally chosen a name, so hooray for decisiveness!
Another thing I've been doing is allowing myself to get lost in fiction. It happens a few times a year, but getting absorbed in stories, particularly horror stories is something I love. Plus, I've been on quite the bender lately with horror movies on Netflix. I think I've all but used up their queue. Right now, I'm half way through The Exorcist. I hadn't seen it in a few years, so I felt like now is a good time.
All that is just to say -- I'm still here, just temporarily sidetracked. As soon as I make some additional purchases, stock or otherwise, I'll be sure to let you know.
And, as I mentioned, stay tuned for my net worth update!
FI Monkey